Sunday, July 27, 2008

Discoveries of a weekend,Passions of a lifetime

Every once in a while i like to post lessons that I've learned.I post them here just in case i this one weekend i learned a few lessons just by observing myself and my surroundings,and here is what i have learned and the method by which i have acquired this new knowledge:

There was a ride in an amusement park that basically threw you in the air and you stayed suspended there for a few seconds before going down again.i kept staring at the sky and i felt like i could almost touch it.i love the feeling of soaring.

There was another ride where your seat was lifted so high you could see the whole city.Now although like most people I'm afraid of heights,as long as i was safe(i.e. strapped in), I loved being up there.i felt like i owned the world.

In the small town where I'm at now,one moment there's sun and the weather is moderately hot,the other moment it would start raining and we would run for cover under the big tree.I love the feeling of cool rain drops on my skin.

Driving from the city to the town, the sky was cloudy. But although the clouds were very dark, the sun still came through and it looked like curtains made of sunshine...a gateway to heaven.when you drive more towards the darkness, there sppeared a huge rainbow covering the skies and defying darkness.I love and love and love that.

I love the fact that i can still lay on my back on the grass and watch the clouds and come up with shapes.i love how looking at a rainbow can keep me smiling.i love catching grandma watching her whole family (children,grandchildren, and great-grandchildren) and marvel how 3 generations gathered at her house are all a product of a her marriage to man who died 20 years ago (my dear grandfather).

I love that i'm starting to miss home too..just a little bit but the feeling's there.
Mostly,i love how much i'm looking forward to leaving and starting a new life.
A step closer to independence, and a step farther from carelessness.

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