Wednesday, January 3, 2007

King Arther

I was watching the movie "King Arther" for like the 10th time a few nights ago.It's one of my favorite movies,i mean,the story is great,and so are the characters(good looking male actors,hehe) and the setting,you name it!I have to admit however,the part i love the most is that there are actual "MEN" in this who still appreciate love and romance,men who fight for a cause,and men who even fear death,and yet would do anything for their freedom..

The reason why I'm mentioning this,is I look around,and at least in my university,I don't know "men",the macho type lets say.I mean,sure,perhaps they do exist,but honestly speaking,i haven't seen ANY!its sad,isn't it?I gotta admit though,I have great male friends,but they're just "guys",know what I mean?

I was discussing this with one of my "male friends" and he accused me of apparently being a dreamer and told me to "get real".We grow up watching Disney movies believing that anything is possible.I remember believing that i would become a fairy or a mermaid if i stayed good(wild imagination if u ask me),but i also remember that Snow White,Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty had actual men fighting for them,so don't you think its sad that Disney is basically showing us what could have been,what men actually used to be a long time ago(or so history says),and yet there's a guy telling me to "get real"???Is how you're hair looks today really more important than what's inside you're heart??

I pride myself on being a girl who always fights to get what she wants,and usually i do earn it,so yes,i am a dreamer and proud of it too.I wanna end up married to that kinda man,and who knows...Tinkerbell might sprinkle some pixie dust on me,and I'd fly to chase my dreams...who knows indeed.

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