Friday, February 2, 2007


I haven't slept well for 3 nights,and not because i keep imagining the perfect guy who will never come,or because the maid came into my room to get something,or not even because my mom woke me up to have pancakes for breakfast.Believe it or not,i got my marks recently,and i ain't happy with them.

I worked hard the past semester,didn't even mind being called a "nerd"(a cool one for that matter,if such a thing exists,hehe),and what do i get?3 A's,2 B+'s and 1 B.I know i know,those look good,huh?and thank God for everything,but honestly speaking,i didn't study to get a B or 2 freakin B+'s!!!!

For the past 3 nights,i have had a hard time sleeping because i kept thinking about what i could have done better to deserve those A's i worked for...if you think that any answer came to mind,then you're wrong.Nil.Natta.Zip.Zero.BIG FREAKIN' NOTHIN'!!!I can honestly say that i have done my best and i truly do believe that i deserve A's in those subjects.I'm not a snob or anything,but when someone is on the top of their class and they know it,like myself,they deserve the highest grades!am i right or am i right???

I try to work hard to get what i want,i don't expect to get anything on a silver platter(I've always wondered why its silver and not gold in that expression...),and although i do like to live by the "no expectations no disappointments" motto,i have to be realistic;i need the high grades to get a scholarship if i want to pursue a graduate degree in the UK in the US.

I'd like to end this blog by a quote from a song by Kid Rock,"You get what you put in,and people get what they deserve...still i ain't seen mine,no i ain't seen mine...I've been giving just ain't been gettin'...I've been walking that there i think I'll keep on walking with my head up high...i keep moving on,and only God knows why."

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