Saturday, February 17, 2007

A funny story

So 2 days ago,i had to buy 2 books important courses I'm taking in uni.Luck has it that that particular day was Valentines day.Being single,that day really wasn't a big deal for me,though i have t admit the romance in the air was a little nauseating(people would argue that I'm jealous,but whatever,hehe).Anyways,my friend,lets call her batata just for the sake of anonymity,asked me with that puppy eye look to get her the same 2 books that I'm getting.Of course i couldn't say no,even after she gave me her notebook and book to carry around that day on top of my own book and notebook.I couldn't really say no also because it was her 1st actual date with a guy she really loves(also a good buddy of mine,but an idiot nonetheless).

Anyways,i dragged 2 friends with me to go buy the books from the other side of uni,which is a long way to walk by the way,but hey,its exercise,so why not?!I didn't even mind walking through this area next to the bookshop where they were cleaning the sewers.Now,i had previously asked batata to send me a message with the exact name of the 2 books,and she sure did...except that,although she gave me the exact name of the 1st,concerning the second,the text read "tell him(the man selling the books) something with an h"....i know,jaw dropping,i could swear that second that batata was internally blonde.

I have already mentioned in one of my previous blogs that patience is no virtue of mine,and it sure as hell wasnt in this case,so upon receiving this message i counted to 10 and took a deep breath before calling batata.After yelling at her to my hearts content,she promised to get me the exact name in 2 minutes.She didn't,shocked?

After leaving my 2 friends waiting outside,I went into the book store and got the 2 books with the correct name,and even managed to get the 2 books that start with an h.of course the look on my face was all but amusing when i saw the size of those 4 books.i mean Goddammit!they were the thickest books I've ever seen!!!

Now here's the thing,i was already carrying 2 books in my arms,and 2 notebooks in my bag when i paid for the 4 books.There were 8 young men in the store with me also buying books,and when presented with the dilemma of carrying the books,do you think any of the "gentlemen" offered to help??hmm...I somehow managed to carry everything outside,so lets leave it at that.Now when i got outside,my 2 friends that i had actually brought along to aid me,were nowhere to be seen,so i had to cross the vast parking lot to find them chatting casually on a bench...please in any point of this story don't forget what i was carrying.

Each of the girls with me carried one of the thick books on the way back to our lectures,and by the time i got to my lecture hall-arms broken after separating with the 2 girls,with 3 of the 4 thick books(not to mention the 2 notebooks and 2 other books) and also 2 minutes late for my lecture-my mood lifted because i generally had an interesting class...or nothing too boring lets say.

After my lecture,i looked at all the books that i had to carry again to the parking lot to dump in my car,and i realized that i was physically unable to carry them on my own anymore because my arms were still aching.Anyways,i figured I'll just call to check up on batata and her date.I was really happy,however,to find out that she was on her way back to uni,she was actually 2 minutes away from me,so i kindly asked her to come and help me carry the books.Of course her reaction shocked me,it seems that i was extremely dumb,because her reply was"well if you have alot of books ,why carry them around with you? just take them to your car!!!",and she said it in such a matter-of-fact matter that i was like DUH!!!why didn't i think of that.I proceeded to apologize for my stupidity and said that i will do just that.Of course I'm sure that my friends just missed the fact that i enjoyed carrying the books around so much that i completely forgot,or even better,i didn't even think of that in the 1st place!!!

After this intelligent conversation,i called my best friend and asked her to meet me half way from where she was so she can help me carry the darn books.I get there,half way that is,and I'm glad to see that she's walking towards me with a male friend.Now imagine this,while I'm walking towards them,trying to go as fast as i could because i could swear that my arms almost fell off,and barely able to catch my breath,the STROLL towards slow as their feet can carry them,no need for urgency while their tired out of breath friends with the all the books tries not to stumble.Anyway,things get better when they actually get to me,and i dump all books on our friends,the dude,hehehe.

The four of us head to the parking lot,and we had to depart with out male friend at the 1st floor cuz he needed to get his books from his car to catch his lecture on time.No problem.he hands me the books again,and i don't bother to tell my best friend anything because she was apparently engrossed in this important phone call,also no problem.Even while she was having this important phone call,while i was still struggling with all the books,she still found a sec to turn to me and gesture for me to hurry problem.

We get to the car,she finishes her phone call,and is bitchin about some problem that a friend is having,now normally,i wouldn't mind listening to her if i weren't so busy trying to balance all the books while fishing for my keys in my stuffed bag...i find them,i open the car,i dump the books!!!mission achieved...finally,so no problem after all.

After my long day and aching arms,i call batata once again telling her how imperative it is for her not to be late for our 3:30 lecture.i emphasize the importance of this particular lecture,and even "nicely" ask her to be there even 5 minutes earlier.she think she got there on time?10 minutes late for the lecture,and she even almost throws up on the way....NO FREAKIN PROBLEM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG how perfectly wonderful. I can't believe you didn't blow up I sure would have and yelled at lu...oops...batata.

btw you never told me you had a blog :p

I'll be sure to stop often and check it out for new posts.